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Selectmen's Minutes March 13, 2006

March 13, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS:  Jim Bradley, Lanie DeAugustinis, Cherie DeAugustinis, Donna Gazelle, Harry Gazelle, Pat Hall, Gene Hall, Tecla McCann, Ron Verblauw, Tony Bergeron, Charlotte Brown, Charles Smith, Maria Fair, Kim Stoughton, Robin Mapley, Catherine Busheuof, Nancy Clark, Robin Pollard, Sharon Callahan, and Carolyn Dube.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Roach at 7:00 PM.


A.  Children’s Garden Area:  Tecla McCann first thanked the Selectmen for taking the time to speak with the Beautification Committee.  She stated the committee is working on some changes to the original plans of what should be done in the harbor area, near the lake where the restrooms are located.  They are thinking of putting in a Children’s Garden area.  It would be a natural garden and a place for children to play.  It would be low profile so would not be too noticeable.  Donna Gazelle stated that she and Cherie DeAugustinis have been on the project in conjunction with young mothers from Sunapee.  They would like to see an attractive garden that would appeal to a child’s sense of wonder.  This will not be a traditional playground.  They have designed  what they call the Sooni Sunapee Saurus.  It would be 21 feet long and surrounded by fall stone and would look like granite.  Children would be able to crawl on and under it.  A drawing of Sooni Saurus and the proposed garden are attached to the file copy of these minutes.  The garden would also contain a weeping tree and a concrete path that is ADA compliant.  It would also have a vine covered arbor and it is planned to have children size tree stump tables and chairs.  The planting are those that will encourage butterflies.  There will also be two granite benches between the Sooni and the waters edge.  The site plan will be coordinated with the Road Agent.  Carroll Concrete and United Construction will contribute to the project.  Babe Sergeant will write a legend of the Sooni for a booklet to be available for the children.  They feel that the Sooni will be a great photo spot.  Stephen White does not want to see so much planting that would take up a great amount of the area.  He stated it was a nice grassy spot and a good area to have community’s activities.  D. Gazelle stated she agreed with S. White and they would certainly keep that in mind.  Pat Hall explained that there would still be a large area left behind the restrooms for community activities.  S. White stated that he supported the project.  Richard Leone commended the committee and friends for doing such a wonderful job of beautifying the harbor.  He stated that he had only one problem with the project and that it is so close to

Board of Selectmen
March 13, 2006

water for young children and he is concerned with the liability.  He wanted to know what kind of supervision there would be.  D. Gazelle stated that the children that the area would attract are usually already supervised by their parents because they are so young.  There will be things provided to do on land, not in the water.  R. Leone re-stated that he was uncomfortable about it being without supervision and being near water. He is very concerned that young toddlers may wander in without supervision and go to the water.  S. White brought up the issue of liability with the skate park, the ball fields and basketball courts.  He does not feel that this project would provide more liability.  Maria Fair, a parent, stated that as a parent she supervises her children.  She stated that this garden was needed because is nothing for very young children to do in Sunapee.  Fred Gallup spoke in favor of the project, adding that he thought activities should be drawn away from the water as much as possible.   D. Gazelle explained that they would stake the area and show where paths and planting are proposed.  Donna Nashawaty asked how the project was going to be paid for.  D. Gazelle stated that with beautification funds that already exist.  Gene Hall explained the finances of the committee  stating that he believes they have enough funds.  D. Nashawaty explained to the Selectmen that an article exists in the warrant which would allow the committee to expend from the fund in 2006.  William Roach stated he agreed with the project and also with F. Gallup in that he would like to see any activity as far from the water as possible.  D. Gazelle explained that after the Lake Avenue project was complete, the committee is planning to plant hedges along that section of the property.  The Board and others in the audience applauded for the efforts of the group.   W. Roach and S. White asked that the Board be informed when the project area was staked out.  Motion was made by Stephen White that the committee proceed with the design of the children’s garden and return to the Board with formal plans.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

2.  Fire Chief – Ladder Truck

Chief Dan Ruggles was present to inform the Board that he has found a ladder truck that would be affordable for the department if the warrant article passes.  The truck is a 2001 and is in Maryland.  The Chief explained that he brought Tom Woodard with him to look at the truck for his advice and T. Woodard highly recommends that the Town purchase the truck.  Chief Ruggles informed the Board of a few minor problems with the truck that would be fixed prior to the purchase.  F. Gallup stated that the truck would be a valuable piece of equipment.  S. White agreed stating that the price was good as well.  Emma Smith asked if the truck would fit in the new garage and the response was that it would.

Board of Selectmen
March 13, 2006

3.  Highway Agent – Truck Driver

Tony Bergeron was present to inform the Board that one of his truck drivers, Tony Dipaelo had resigned for another position.  T. Bergeron introduced Michael Barnhardt who he has hired for the position. The Selectmen welcomed M. Barnhardt to the community.


Please see attached agenda.


A.  Gene Hall asked if he could speak to the Selectmen and was told he could.  He wanted to applaud the Selectmen and Town Manager for all of the efforts on behalf of Sunapee to get a better equitable county tax.  He noted that all the proposed bills failed and asked what course of action the Board would be taking now if any.  W. Roach explained that he felt a lot of the town’s problems with the bills stemmed from a lack of cooperation from the Town’s representative.  He assured G. Hall that the Board was not giving up and are now trying to form a coalition of the 17 towns that are the highest county tax payers.  They have invited Pat Remick, who led the coalition on state education funding, to attend the April 10 meeting and she has accepted.   Again, G. Hall thanked the Selectmen for their efforts.  Ron Verblauw stated that he has been to many Selectmen’s meetings and stated he could insure anyone that the Selectmen and Town Manager have put in a lot of time on this, at their own expense.  R. Verblauw also thanked the Board for this.  Richard expressed his concern that the Board should try to improve its’ relationship with the State Representative.

B.  County Retreat

Donna Nashawaty read a letter from Rep. Harry Gale addressed to Chairman Roach inviting the Board and Town Manager to attend a County Retreat.  She also read a letter from County Commissioner John Cloutier.  This letter also invited the Selectmen to the retreat.  Motion was made by Stephen White that the Board authorize the Chairman, on behalf of the Board, to sign a letter to Rep. Gale stating that the Board respectfully declines his offer to attend the retreat.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
March 13, 2006

Discussion was held on a letter of response to John Cloutier.  Both Richard Leone and Emma Smith expressed a desire to write a letter to show politeness.  Motion was made by Stephen White to write a private letter to John Cloutier also telling him that the Board would not attend the rereat but do thank him for his interest.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Committee Appointments

Donna Nashawaty wanted to bring to the Board’s attention that vacancies will exist in the Crowther Chapel Committee, Electronic Communications, Budget Advisory Committee and Watershed Coalition on April 1, 2006.  Letters have been sent to individuals asking if they would like to be a member.   She would also like to make it publicly known that the Town has volunteer forms and should anyone be interested in serving on any of these committees, they can pick up the form at the Town Hall.  She has already heard from Charles Smith that he does not wish to be on the Watershed Coalition.

D.  Tamworth Wetlands Ordinance

Donna Nashawaty explained that the NHMA has asked town’s to support a wetlands ordinance that came about by a motor sports facility moving to Tamworth.  A sample letter was sent with the request.  The Selectmen signed the letter.


A.  Joint Assessor Board

The first meeting of the Board is scheduled next week and William Roach will attend as the Sunapee Selectmen’s representative.  

B.  Update

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that HB653 passed the Senate.  This will allow communities to bond for broadband.  It passed by a vote of 22 to 1.  

D. Nashawaty stated that Pat Remick did agree to attend the Selectmen’s meeting of April 10.   She will make the agenda short so that the Board can spend most of the meet time with Ms. Remick.

D. Nashawaty will have the Kearsarge lease ready for the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Board of Selectmen
March 13, 2006

D. Nashawaty stated that at the March 27 meeting she will have a report from two members who are studying the bird flu.

D. Nashawaty asked the Board to sign a Petition and Pole License for Clearwater Drive.  This was signed.

Richard Leone stated that the deadline for the Eminent Domain bill is May 22, 2006.  Also, at this time a view tax bill ( SB390) will be presented.

Motion was made at 9 PM by Stephen White to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 (II) (a) to discuss the dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him, unless the employee affected (1) has a right to a meeting and (2) requests that the meeting be open, in which case the request shall be granted.  The motion was seconded by Frederick Gallup.  The voice vote was unanimous and the motion carried.
Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to leave non-public session at 9:47 PM and to seal the minutes.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Motion was made by 9:48 PM by Stephen White to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 (II) ( c ) matters which, if discussed in public, would likely affect adversely the reputation of any person other than a member of the body or agency itself.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The voice vote was unanimous and the motion carried.
Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:20 PM.  The motion was seconded by Frederick Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 10:21 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

____________________________                    ______________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    ______________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White